Jisho Search App

Jisho Search is an utility app for searching in awesome Jisho.org handwritten japanese.

Why did I make it?

As a japanese student you need to go to a dictionary at all times. When you are in a hurry, I found myself opening jisho.org website in my mobile phone, switching the keyboard to Japanese, and then querying the word I’m looking for. This happens if you know the hiragana. When you see a kanji that you don’t know, you need to start searching for kanjis by radicals, then select the different characters in the word to finally run your query… sometimes this becomes tiresome.

While programming my other app Kanji Samurai, I ended app by use Google’s IME api to recognize handwriting japanese for the functionality of writing exams. I quickly thought that using the same blackboard for a dictionary search will speed up things a lot.

Tips for usage

You can search using English, romaji, kana or Kanji. See this video… writing jiragana

You can search English, romaji… writing jiragana writing jiragana

…katakana or hiragana… writing jiragana writing jiragana

…or kanji. writing jiragana writing jiragana

Where to get it

Today, Jisho Search is available in the App Store.